Sue Chesney is the owner of Delegated Planning, which offers virtual outsourced financial planning support to 55 advisory firms, and co-founder of Planning Zoo, an outsourced financial planning data entry business that helps current and recently graduated students from college CFP programs connect with advisory firms for paraplanner support. Through both of these firms Sue has pioneered one of the largest outsourced financial planning support firms in the country, and she shares her experience in witnessing how many advisory firms are scaling the delivery of their financial plans by separating the delivery of the plans from the creation of the plans.
Listen in as Sue shares why she launched Delegated Planning and Planning Zoo to help advisors find planning and data entry support, why she feels it is important to help new planners get real-world experience under their belts, and how advisors have been able to better align their fees with the financial planning offering by charging by the hour. We also discuss how she navigates cybersecurity and E&O risks of being an outsourced financial planning service provider, why she believes that newer advisors should consider the opportunity to start their own firm one day, and what she considers the key to her success.
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