Tessa Felix is the HR and Operations Lead for PWL Capital, an advisory firm that oversees nearly $3.6 billion in assets under management. Tessa has focused on developing the culture of her advisory firm and has put systems in place to make everyone accountable for their work, while still making it a fun environment. Today she joins the show to discuss how she is making her firm an enjoyable place to work in, as well as the leadership system she has incorporated into her management approach.
Listen in as we talk about the weekly team meetings, internal podcast, and monthly one-on-ones Tessa uses to maintain the culture of the firm. She shares how she transitioned from being a peer of her co-workers to their manager and how she came to be the culture lead for her firm. If you’re ready to cultivate a growth mindset within your own business, this is the episode for you!
For show notes and more visit: https://www.kitces.com/161
Gabriel Shahin is the founder of Falcon Wealth, an independent RIA that oversees nearly $200 million in assets under management for 370 clients. Today Gabriel joins the show to share how he has built such a successful firm from scratch in just five years by spending a significant amount on marketing.
In this episode, we discuss how he allocates his proactive marketing dollars from outsourced SEO experts to Google ads, as well as a weekly radio show. You’ll learn how Gabriel handles the sales process, why he decided to hire a stand-alone business development associate, and what it takes to rapidly grow your firm.
For show notes and more visit: https://www.kitces.com/160
Kelly Shikany is a financial advisor and Director of Wealth Management for Lakeside Wealth, a hybrid RIA where she manages a base of nearly $90 million in client assets. Deciding to not hang her hat as a solo advisor, Kelly instead navigates existing advisory firms so she can focus more on her clients. She joins the show to discuss her career path and how she has worked her way to the successful position she is in today.
In this episode, we talk about how Kelly grew her client base in her younger years by conducting “women’s circles” so she could establish relationships in her small-town community. Listen in to learn how she differentiated herself from other advisors in the area, how she structures her week to maximize personal productivity, and what helped her overcome feelings of failure so they wouldn’t hold her back.
For show notes and more visit: https://www.kitces.com/159
Steph Bruno is the founder of Sea to Peak Financial Advisors, an independent RIA that oversees nearly $70 million in assets under management for 45 affluent clients. Today Steph joins the show to discuss the process of branching out and starting her own independent firm after spending 15 years as an employee for another firm.
Listen in as she explains why she decided to take the leap from a stable paycheck to building her own business from scratch, as well as how she rebooted her marketing in the process. You’ll learn what made her decide to hire a personal coach to help her work through the difficult first few years of running her own business, how she integrates life planning conversations into her planning process, and what she’s choosing to focus on now that she is running her own firm.
For show notes and more visit: https://www.kitces.com/158